Pangaranto Sailaon as an Expression in Karaya Music
Tradition, Ethnicity, Form, Structure, PresentationAbstract
Although Batak socio-cultural changes in overseas can be distinguished, they are difficult to separate. Change, social refers more to changes in structure, while cultural change is more oriented towards changes in the thinking system of the community. Given that human life is shrouded in culture, culture itself is created and developed in social life. Therefore, cultural change is not something that needs to be mourned or prevented. Cultural change must be observed in terms of meeting the needs of the Batak community itself, so cultural change will always take place, along with social changes themselves. From the idea of composite cultivation the author does not talk about the course of events about Batak culture assimilating with other cultures, because each ethnicity has its own identity and characteristics, but provides one of the offers in sound language to express the expression of "emotions" of Batak people in a new environment, where Batak people meet the needs of life about a form of togetherness, tolerance, mutual assistance and mutual respect. Fundamentally, the author assumes that responding to the above phenomenon with sound events, ideally can be elaborated through the embryo of Batak tradition music and ethnic music in the Batak community.
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