Aesthetics of Piriang Pijak Dance in Ateh Galeh, Nagari Unggan, Sumpur Kudus District, Sijunjung Regency


  • Lukia Lafebri Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Susmiarti Pendidikan Sendratasik, Universitas Negeri Padang



Estetika, Tari Piring Pijak di Ateh Galeh


Piriang Pijak dance in Ateh Galeh is a traditional dance of the Nagari Unggan community, Sumpur Kudus District, Sijunjung Regency, which has developed and has been recognised by the local community. This Piriang dance can be danced by men and women in odd or even numbers and can be danced by 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, or 10 dancers. Wearing a long cloth property on which plates and glasses are placed in a straight line while holding tada in both palms at the end of the index finger paired with a ring made of dama or candlenut fruit by presenting movements inspired by the activities of farmers working on rice fields starting from the beginning of mamugo until the harvest period comes. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the aesthetics of piriang pijak dance in ateh galeh in Nagari Unggan, Sumpur Kudus District, Sijunjung Regency. This is qualitative research with descriptive methods; data collection is done through a literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. The object of this research is the piriang pijak dance in Ateh Galeh. The steps of analysing data are data collection, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study reveal the form and aesthetics contained in the Piriang Pijak dance in Ateh Galeh. The aesthetic value of Piriang Pijak dance in Ateh Galeh is reflected in the elements that make up Piriang Pijak dance in Ateh Galeh, namely the existence of movements, dancers, properties, floor patterns, makeup and clothing, and performance venues.


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How to Cite

Lafebri, L., & Susmiarti. (2023). Aesthetics of Piriang Pijak Dance in Ateh Galeh, Nagari Unggan, Sumpur Kudus District, Sijunjung Regency. Avant-Garde: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan, 1(1), 27–35.


