Author Guidelines

Avant-garde: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan accepts articles that fall within the scope of the journal. Please review the following guidelines before submitting your manuscript.

Stage of Manuscript Submission

  • The article has not been published or accepted for any publication, or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Original article and does not contain any elements of plagiarism.
  • The types of articles suitable for publication in this Journal are as follows. Research Reports (Laboratory, Field, Archives), Conceptual Ideas, Literature studies/reviews, Theory Applications.
  • To submit articles, please register. Fill in your own password. Then click 'user home' and click 'new submission' at the end of the author.
  • Articles must be submitted online in soft files using the Microsoft Word application (2010-2019).
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance of the manuscript and editorial decisions (whether the article is accepted or not) via email. Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned to the author.

How to prepare a script

  • Manuscripts must be submitted by the author via online submission.
  • The same article may not be submitted simultaneously to other journals.
  • Articles are written in Indonesian using academic language and standard academic writing structure and composition.
  • Manuscripts are typed 1.15 spacing on quarto paper size (A4), with a length of between 4000-7000 words (excluding references, figures and tables).
  • The manuscript should consist of the following content.


  • The title should be simple, concise and informative with only the first word capitalized. A shortened version of the title of up to 15 words or 100 characters (including spaces) to run the header must also be provided. Calibri fonts in English and Indonesian.

Author name and affiliation

  • The author's name cannot be written in the article on the first submission but must be included in the article metadata on the Open Journal System (OJS) website (If the author's name is still in the article, the article will be rejected and the author can submit it on a new submission). Two or more authors in an article are preferred. The author must fill in the author's profile on the OJS website consisting of the Author's First Name, Middle and Last Name (If the author only uses one name, enter the first name and last name with the same name), Gender, Initials, User Name, Password, Affiliation (University/Institution), E-mail, Mailing Address (affiliate's full address: street name, city, province and zip code), Country and Bio Statement (Department or Faculty).

Abstract and Keywords

  • Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian (150-250 words each) which include introduction, purpose of writing the article, methods, findings, and conclusions, keywords in English and Indonesian (2-5 words).


  • Introduction (without subtitles) which includes research background, research context, literature review, research gaps, and research objectives. Everything must be presented in the form of paragraphs, not pointers, with a proportion of 15-20% of the total length of the article.
  • The research method, consisting of a description of the research design, data sources, data collection, and data analysis with a proportion of 10-15% of the total length of the article, all of which are presented in the form of paragraphs.
  • Results and discussion, contains descriptions and analysis of data to answer research questions and their meanings seen from the latest theories and references used. The proportion of this section is 40-60% of the total length of the article.
  • Conclusion contains the answer of research purpose, not summarizing all the research. This section should be written in a concise, solid and clear statement based on the result of study with not more than 5% of all the paper’s length.


  • Every source cited in the body of the article must be listed in the references, and all sources listed in the references can be found in the body of the article.
  • The reference list format refers to the APA 6th (American Psychological Association) style using Mendeley Reference Management. The reference list should appear at the end of the article and only include the literature actually cited in the manuscript.
  • References are arranged alphabetically and chronologically. When writing a reference list, please use the following conventions. Kayam, U. (1981).  Seni Tradisi dan Masyarakat. Jakarta: Sinar Harapan. Soedarsono. (2001). Metodologi Penelitian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa. Bandung: MSPI.


  • Use only horizontal lines when using tables. Write the table number and table title on it.
  • Give titles under pictures, graphs and/or diagrams when using them.

Stylesheet: Your submitted manuscript must adhere to our stylesheet which you can download here.

No charges: There are no processing or publication fees with this journal.

Ethical code: Read our code of conduct before you submit your manuscript.